Parenting, Uncategorized

Time… the need of the hour!!


When I was a kid, I used to wonder why all the adults would talk about time. How they never had time or they couldn’t do a task as there wasn’t enough time. But today I realise the value of time and understand the irony of not having enough time… I am a stay-at-home mother, but let me tell you its like I have work all the time (hehe). On a lighter note, I wonder when I would be able to work and simultaneously have free time. Being a mom changes everything and you never know when your kid needs you. Believe me when I say “anytime”… its like sometimes I feel twenty-four hours are not at all enough for a day. I never know when my day starts and when I sit or put a pen on paper its already time for bed.

For instance these blogs, I had planned on writing them every once a week but poof went the idea with my kid’s summer holidays. I seriously don’t understand how the working mothers manage their time or are able to cope up with the stress with balancing their personal and professional life. If being at home I have so much to do then what about who have to leave the house in morning and come back in evening to finish their daily chores.

But I think every mother should have some time to herself.. its not like only a mother has to balance their life but so do dad’s.. because after all the hardwork at office , they too have to come home and give time to their kids..

As soon as my husband comes from office, my child gets ready with his football. He actually waits for his arrival and the expression in his eyes when his dad rings the bell of house is incredible.

The point here is no matter how busy we are or will be, we need to give some time to our kids as well as take some time for ourselves. This is very important because if we are stressed out all the time, it will not have a good effect in your bonding with the child. We feel irritated and angry and many other expressions but the mantra lies within you. You have to find ways to manage your time.

Its not a crime if you feel like taking a holiday or going to movie once in a while to release your stress. Once you have loosen your personality a bit, you will be yourself again. Having some time for yourself helps you in keeping peace of mind and also makes you less irritable with your child. There are many circumstances where I loose my calm, but ultimately it is me who will I end up hurting. Because our children are our heart lines which no one can describe.

There would have been many ideas that you had sometime but discarded them with “no time” label. Dig them up again, find a hobby like painting or music or writing or playing sports or travelling, etc.. the list goes on but you can choose anything through which you can work out your stress and divert it into a positive energy.

Whatever you do don’t forget that you are a mother but also a human being and mistakes do happen by every one of us. So don’t be too hard on yourself and enjoy your free time and this goes to both the parents.

There will be much more stress in your coming days but instead of thinking and worrying about it, concentrate on your today and how could you improve yourself further more. Be with each other in all the decisions and encourage each other to take some time out. Parenting is a huge responsibility and one can be successful without each other’s involvement and support. Many circumstances would present themselves where you think blaming each other is the easy way out, but that would the most obtuse thing to do. The more you share the merrier it gets other wise it’s a lost hope. Think of parenting as “our” responsibility rather than “my”.

Take care and happy parenting



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